
Timbercrest Pool Newsletter, June, 2023

It’s the time of year where the pool board reminds everyone of the rules, policies, and procedures of the pool.

Gate lock

We will be replacing the locking mechanism on the gate with an egress bar. We will keep you informed as we complete that process.

Bring your key every time you come to the pool. Don’t rely on someone else being there to let you in or out. Don’t swim alone.

Contact information

Pool opening coffee and donuts

The 2023 Timbercrest pool season begins on May 20, 2023. Join us for coffee and donuts anytime 9-11am. We'll give you a tour and introduction to the pool as well as hand out keys to new members. Keys and sign-in are the same as last year. If you need a key and can't join us on the morning of May 20, contact the pool board to set up a time.

Read more: https://timbercrestneighborhood.org/pool-opening-2023-newsletter
