
Pool opening coffee and donuts

The 2023 Timbercrest pool season begins on May 20, 2023. Join us for coffee and donuts anytime 9-11am. We'll give you a tour and introduction to the pool as well as hand out keys to new members. Keys and sign-in are the same as last year. If you need a key and can't join us on the morning of May 20, contact the pool board to set up a time.

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Opening day, 2021, is here!

Opening day is here!

Opening day will be by Saturday, May 22. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped get the pool ready. I want to especially thank Andrew Campbell and Chris Prachiel. Their energy and enthusiasm for maintaining the pool motivates all of us.

Spring member meeting

The Spring member meeting will be Thursday, June 3rd at the pool at 7pm. We will keep the business of the meeting to one hour with an open floor discussion following.

Sponsor memberships