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- Posted By: Allison Lester
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CONGRATULATIONS Neighbors! We are excited to announce we raised enough money to convince the seller of the 10-acre property behind Lance Drive to sell it to the neighborhood BEFORE auction! A contract has been signed, the open house tonight has been canceled and the signs and listing should be coming down from the auction site immediately.
Pledges from 32 neighbors amounted to JUST over the total amount to buy the property at a $75,000 sale price (so far we have raised $80,000 in pledges), but we will need every penny to come through in order to make this happen and not leave anyone high and dry. Furthermore, we will need to pay closing costs and other fees associated with the real estate transaction as well as property taxes annually. And depending on what the neighborhood decides to do with the land, there could be fees associated with that as well.
We will be following up with all the donors about how to get the money to us in the coming days.
This week, the Timbercrest Neighborhood Association voted in agreement to take control of the property. The nonprofit Foundation for Global Sustainability voted in approval of serving as the Fiscal sponsor for the TNA while we await our official 501c3 approval from the IRS. The condition is that we are to preserve the land, it may NEVER be developed, subdivided or sold off for profit.
The Timbercrest Neighborhood Association will be appointing a Timbercrest Conservation Committee to manage the ongoing preservation of, not only this property, but our entire neighborhood. If you are passionate about preserving the green spaces of our neighborhood and are interested in serving on this committee, please feel free to reach out to Allison Lester duffallison1@gmail.com.
There will be more meetings in the future about what we should do with the land moving forward, but for now - we can CELEBRATE. This is a HUGE win for our neighborhood and an INCREDIBLE legacy to leave behind.